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The Governing Body

Name Chair of Member of Type of Governor Term of Office ends Reponsibilities Register of interests
Mr Paul Macfarlane     Headteacher     Headteacher
Mrs Jayne Aynsley Chair of Governors Teaching, Learning & Behaviour Co-opted 12/11/2027 Safeguarding None
Cllr Roger Bingham             Finance, Staffing & Premisies LA 28/11/2024 History


Mrs Dianne Chaplow

Finance, Staffing &

Finance, Staffing & Premises Co-opted 01/09/2027 Computing, Art & Design Sibling of member of staff
Mr Bryan Kerr   Finance, Staffing & Premises Co-opted 21/03/2027   Governor at Levens School
Mrs Clare Lachmann   Teaching, Learning & Behaviour Parent 12/11/2024   Child in school
Mrs Sally Edmondson Teaching, Learning & Behaviour Teaching, Learning & Behaviour Co-opted 01/09/2027 SEND  
Mrs Lisa Sixsmith   Teaching, Learning & Behaviour Co-opted 28/03/2027   None
Mrs Sarabeth Pearce   Teaching, Learning & Behaviour Staff 01/11/2027   Teacher
Mrs Karen Townley     Clerk to Governors    

Sibling of a governor

Husband works in school for Orian

Mrs Julie Mulinga


  Teaching, Learning & Behaviour Co-opted



  Child in school
Mrs Mandy Barnsley   Teaching, Learning & Behaviour Staff



Mr Colin Honour   Teaching, Learning & Behaviour Co-opted


Finished  13/06/2023


All schools in England have a Governing Body which is responsible for overseeing many of the strategic decisions of the school. A key role is to act as a 'critical friend; to support, challenge and to ask questions.

The Governing Body is made up of:
1 x Headteacher
1 x Staff Governor
2 x Parent Governors
1 x Local Authority Governor
6 x Co-opted Governors

The term of office for all categories of Governor is 4 years.

Governor Attendance


T,L & B 02/10/24

  S, F & P 

  Full Govs 20/11/24

T, L & B 

S, F & P 15/01/25

Full Govs

T, L & B   

S, F & P 07/05/25

 Full Govs

Mr Paul Macfarlane                
Cllr Roger Bingham N/A     N/A     N/A    
Mrs Dianne Chaplow N/A     N/A     N/A    
Jayne Aynsley N/A     N/A     N/A    
Bryan Kerr                  
Sally Edmondson   N/A     N/A     N/A  
Clare Lachmann   N/A N/A N/A N/A N/A N/A N/A N/A
Lisa Sixsmith         N/A     N/A  
Sarabeth Pearce   N/A     N/A     N/A  
Samantha Johnson   N/A     N/A     N/A  

✔ = in attendance
X = no attendance
N/A = not applicable

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