Values and Ethos

Our Mission
To achieve these aims, we will provide:
- A happy, healthy, safe and secure environment.
- Quality first teaching with individualised support.
- An exciting curriculum, based on the needs of the children which provides first-hand practical experiences.
- A stimulating, evolving environment.
- A professional, skilled, highly-motivated staff team .
- School leadership focussed on continuous improvement.
- Opportunities for parents to play an active part in their child’s education and the life of the school.
- Opportunities outside the classroom, and the chance to extend our close links with the local community.
Our Aims
Together we all aim to:
- Achieve our full potential as well-rounded individuals.
- Acquire the knowledge and skills relevant to life in a fast changing world.
- Develop as confident learners, able to take risks within a secure environment.
- Be curious, ambitious and take pride in our achievements.
- Achieve high standards in all we do.
- Develop as self-motivated independent and collaborative learners.
- Value and care for ourselves and others in our community.
- Understand our rights and accept our responsibilities as citizens.
- Enjoy what we do and have fun.