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Request for Leave of Absence

In the first instance, please send requests for holidays in term time to the Head Teacher, via email to head@milnthorpe.cumbria.sch.uk, or in writing. Please include the dates requested and the reason for the request. The Head Teacher will respond via email, to either 'authorise' or 'unauthorise' the request. This is in accordance with guidance from the Department of Education.

The Government have issued a list of exceptional reasons for holidays in term time, which are as follows: 

  • family needs, arising from service in the armed forces or from a parent working abroad
  • bereavements
  • exceptional family ceremonies
  • a holiday necessitated due to a disability or illness in the family

Schools have also been advised that the cost of holidays or work rotas of parents can no longer be considered exceptional reasons.

Follow the link to the Department of Education website for more details https://www.gov.uk/school-attendance-absence

Please come in to speak with Mr Macfarlane if you have any questions or queries.

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